Writing~Off the Top of my Head


In trying to find a topic that I wanted to write about, I discovered that nothing on my list of topics “moved me,” so to speak.  And so I am writing “off the top of my head” today. In fact, have no idea what I am doing.

Let me begin by saying that I have composed a list of over 200-250 topics, which I keep adding to whenever something “grabs me.”  Generally, I find one or two on the list that I’d like to write about. Not so, today. So, here goes.

Today is a typical Sunday.  I woke up, ate breakfast, went to church, and led the singing.  I came home and ruminated about the blog that I hadn’t written. This disturbs me, because I don’t like to procrastinate . . . . . . . .( Obviously I did.)


Well, I found a different topic for last Sunday’s blog.  So, this week, I have decided to write about the process of writing, according to my experience.  It has amazed me that I began to start writing, in earnest, some years ago. I had never really considered myself a writer per se.  I mean, I was an avid letter writer, (when people did those things), wrote letters to the editor and even articles once in a while. I am a singer and I have written songs most of my life.  But I never thought of myself as a “writer.” And then, after a tragedy, I wrote a book. All the while, writing my book, I never considered myself a writer. I was processing the death of my son and it became a book about surviving the first year.

I realize now, that I have always enjoyed writing and why I never saw the fact that I was a writer still flabbergasts me.  I think it has something to do with being taught by nuns as a child. They always seemed to make it impossible for one to feel good about oneself for doing anything well.

It was as if it might lead to being proud of oneself and that would be a show of conceit.  (Gasp!) And so, good self-esteem was hard to come by. This was my experience, not necessarily my classmates.

Isn’t it funny, how we all have certain feelings about ourselves as we are growing up, never knowing how our peers feel about similar things.  I think that if we could share our experiences in a non-threatening environment, we all would benefit from it.
I really wonder what a person reading this will think.  Today, this is “officially” a random rambling.  I hope it doesn’t disappoint too much.  Next week will be different. I hope that you will continue to read my blog.  Thanks, in advance.

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