Category Archives: Learning

Encyclopedias in Our Pockets

When I first started working with a student in high school, there were so many things I needed to learn.  At the time, I wasn’t at all adept at using a computer.  I grew up in a time when encyclopedias were the go-to for information.  I wasn’t aware of what a person could do with this amazing invention.  I also had been reluctant to learn about it.  My tools were all in books that one took out at the library.  And I was competent in this way of finding answers.  

So, when my student and I were working on assignments in the library, I was teaching her how to use a dictionary (for definitions and spellings) and encyclopedias for answers.  With encyclopedias, there is a fair amount of detective work involved in this method.  You have to find the specific books needed to find the information.  And in my day, card catalogs were often the first step in the search for information.  Sometimes, two or three sources might be needed to find the answers.

I reveled in the detective aspect of this method.  It made me think and develop the best strategy in the quest for a specific piece of knowledge.  This would not be a popular way for many of today’s students to find the information.  They do not have the patience needed to search in that way.  They are competent at using computers and cell phones to get instant answers to their questions.

So, it was I who needed to learn this, in order to help my student.  I was up for that.  And so I learned, and learned until I got the hang of it.  It was difficult at first because those old habits were ingrained in me.  But learning was what it was all about.  And that’s what school is for, isn’t it?

Later on, cell phones became THE main medium for information gathering.  What I found fascinating was that you had all this information literally at your fingertips.  It is truly a miracle to have answers to questions immediately available at every moment.  It’s just like an encyclopedia in your pocket.  (Pockets are popular places for them.)

However, this is not always the best way to find or solve problems.  That’s because you don’t need to think about what you are learning.  The thinking is being done for you, by your phone.  Therefore, I have mixed feelings about using this as the sole source of information.  Using your phone is great if you need quick answers.  But it greatly limits the amount of deep thinking that truly nourishes your brain.  It cuts into the ability to truly understand difficult concepts.  It can actually thwart curiosity.  Therefore, in my opinion, having encyclopedias in our pockets is not always a good thing.  What do you think?

Never Stop Learning

One thing we can do for ourselves to enrich our lives, is to try and learn something new everyday.  I know this has been said by many others before, but it bears repeating.  What I mean is, we should  conscientiously set out do this every day.  It’s not enough to look for opportunities once in awhile.  That leaves too much to chance.  And I have to admit, that I do not always do this myself.  Still, if one does not set parameters, it may not happen on a regular basis.

By writing this, I am reminding myself of the many times I don’t mindfully try to learn something.  That doesn’t mean that I don’t somehow pick up knowledge without really trying. But being mindful and open to learning is key.

The good news is that one can begin to use the practice today.  Right now, open a nonfiction book about something you are curious about.  Skim titles at the library, if you don’t have anything at home that you’ve been meaning to check out.  Watch a documentary.  Take a class. Talk to someone that has experienced something that you find interesting.  First-person accounts are a wonderful source of knowledge that can put you vicariously in somebody else’s shoes.

It can be fun, informative, emotionally connective, or painful to learn new things.  But learning is always helpful in one’s life if you are open to the experience.  I have found  that this quest for knowledge is something that I look forward to, even when it may be scary.  The reason for this is simple.  One never knows what experiences we will face at any moment and the information one acquires may be exactly the thing you will someday need to know.

The best thing about learning something new is that it will make you smarter.  That is always a good thing.  One never knows, but something you learn today could even save your life or the life of another person.  At the very least, it is a goal worth pursuing, and it need not cost you anything but your time.  I hope you learned something from reading this.  I know that I did. Thank you very much.

I Don’t Want To Be Political

I do not want to be political.  I prefer to stay out of political discussions, because at this time in the history of my existence, I have found these conversations to either be full of camaraderie or vitriol based on whether someone agrees or disagrees with you.

The problem with conversations about politics, is that when people are so diametrically opposed on different points, civil discussion is impossible.  I have heard friends of mine speak of the animosity between family members when they are trying to celebrate holidays, because of their different political views.  Thankfully, I do not have that problem in my immediate family because we agree with each other.  (Sigh.)

Political parties are unable to compromise with each other.  There is no true governmental process going on due to the fact that people feel so strongly that they are right and the other person is wrong.  They do not want to discuss issues with one another.  They do not want to listen to the other side.  Compromise is impossible without listening.

And then there are the political websites that make like-minded people band with each other to vilify the opposing faction.  And there are right and left news outlets as well.  Those with the most money often win elections because they have the power to jam  the airwaves with their brand of propaganda.  Ads and websites and news outlets stretch the truth and sometimes even lie to put their ideas into the heads of the viewers.  It’s a tactic that was used by anti-communist Senator McCarthy, to lie to the public, and then if necessary retract those false statements because the retraction would be put on a back page of the newspaper. He knew that the first statement in the headlines would stick in people’s minds when they were plastered on the front page.  Retractions were rarely seen until it was too late for people wrongly accused to gain their lives back.  Lives were ruined because of his false statements.

Unfortunately, ads are rarely fact-checked.  In fact, most people don’t even want to check them out.  People prefer to think that the facts are right when they agree with them or would just like disregard those things that don’t agree with them.

I have my feelings and opinions about the issues but am not going to share them here, because that is not what this blog is about.  But, if the opportunity arises where a forum of participants would agree to listen to each other and seriously try to understand each other, I would welcome the chance to do so.  We are all in this together, like it or not.  I’d like to think that good people on both sides of the political spectrum would work together for the good of all.