Tag Archives: tolerance

A Message to My Friends: Sometimes I Talk Too Much

Sometimes, I talk way too much.  Just adding a few words while someone is speaking, for verification, or even support, is not always welcome.  I can unintentionally be rude and not get it until after the damage is done.  Or, I can get so jazzed about something that it can be overbearing.

Other times, I can just talk on and on about something when I am upset, causing other people to be distressed in the process, only to have me feel better, while leaving them,  disturbed, in my dust.  This can be abusive to kind-hearted people who are within earshot.  And I am immediately sorry, but at times I just can’t control myself.

This is my version of “venting,”  which I fear could air-condition a gymnasium.  I sincerely hope that I am overstating this behavior.  Why do I do this?  I am not always like this, thank goodness. But what makes me so verbose and emotional?

My friends don’t seem to mind.  Maybe they just have a high tolerance of me.  Or perhaps they are just patient enough to know that if I go on long enough, I will eventually tire and move on.   I am so grateful that they care so much and that they can endure my foibles.

My mother has always been so good to me, allowing me to “get it out of my system,” as she puts it.  And she will just let me go on and on until there is a natural end to my passionate tirade and I am spent.

I hope that I am the kind of person that is there for my friends, as she is for me.  I pray that the people I love and care for so deeply, find me to be the silent, supportful friend that they need me to be when they are in distress.

Either way, I am determined to do better.  I will attempt to curb my passion, or distress, or excitement, when it surfaces and begin to tame this beast inside of me.  Try to forgive me my lapses, for surely I will have them, and allow me the chance to become the kind of friend that everyone deserves.