One thing we can do for ourselves to enrich our lives, is to try and learn something new everyday. I know this has been said by many others before, but it bears repeating. What I mean is, we should conscientiously set out do this every day. It’s not enough to look for opportunities once in awhile. That leaves too much to chance. And I have to admit, that I do not always do this myself. Still, if one does not set parameters, it may not happen on a regular basis.
By writing this, I am reminding myself of the many times I don’t mindfully try to learn something. That doesn’t mean that I don’t somehow pick up knowledge without really trying. But being mindful and open to learning is key.
The good news is that one can begin to use the practice today. Right now, open a nonfiction book about something you are curious about. Skim titles at the library, if you don’t have anything at home that you’ve been meaning to check out. Watch a documentary. Take a class. Talk to someone that has experienced something that you find interesting. First-person accounts are a wonderful source of knowledge that can put you vicariously in somebody else’s shoes.
It can be fun, informative, emotionally connective, or painful to learn new things. But learning is always helpful in one’s life if you are open to the experience. I have found that this quest for knowledge is something that I look forward to, even when it may be scary. The reason for this is simple. One never knows what experiences we will face at any moment and the information one acquires may be exactly the thing you will someday need to know.
The best thing about learning something new is that it will make you smarter. That is always a good thing. One never knows, but something you learn today could even save your life or the life of another person. At the very least, it is a goal worth pursuing, and it need not cost you anything but your time. I hope you learned something from reading this. I know that I did. Thank you very much.