Tag Archives: can’t write

Writer’s Block

When I was thinking about what I wanted to write about this week, nothing “grabbed me,” so to speak.  I still have lists of topics that I created for myself, but nothing said, “Write about me!” This . . . .is . . . a . . .nightmare!  Just kidding.

in a way, this reminds me of my problem with memory loss,.  I actually forgot to decide on a topic earlier this week.  Sunday is a self-imposed deadline for my blog post.  I only let myself down if I don’t make the deadline.  But, these self-imposed expectations are important.  Letting oneself down is worse than letting others down because you have to live with yourself.  I guess today is really a bonafide “random rambling.”  That is my domain name, after all.

So why do I want to write a blog in the first place?  Well, I just like to share my point of view, or perhaps start a conversation on paper.  Sometimes I am talking to myself.  And sometimes I am inviting the reader to engage in a conversation.  Either way, it satisfies my need to communicate with others.

Openness is important to me.  Engaging with others is equally important.  Communication is necessary in this life.  So, doesn’t it help us to practice this skill?  It sure does beat physical confrontation, which usually is counterproductive to any human discourse.

So what do you want to talk about?  Really!  What would you like to discuss?  Please let me know.  I would love to write about it.  And then, we can have a conversation in the comments. And if other people should want to join in the conversation, the more the merrier!  

I am not putting you on.  If you are reading this, I am talking to you.  Please respond.  I have a list of topics, but I want to know what you, the reader, is interested in.  The ball is in your court. It is time for you to make the first move.  I am eagerly awaiting your reply.