Tag Archives: aging

Getting Older/Passages

I have always been aware of the different stages of my life. Oddly enough, I never wished to be older or younger as I was growing up. But now, as I am aging, I realize the time that I will be here, has significantly diminished, and I still have so much I want to do. No matter how I add it up, even if I live to be 100, two thirds of my life span is gone.

Let’s see, doing the math now, I figure that if I indeed live to be one hundred, I have thirty-four years left. Thirty-four years! That’s all. Now if you are young, I know that seems like a lot of time. But for those of us over 65, we know that it most certainly is not!

Looking back, I can remember so many parts of my life with incredible clarity. And there are many moments that I can recall so vividly that they seem like only yesterday. Some of my memories are so clear that I can remember dialogue, like favorite memorized movie scenes. Being an older person gives one the opportunity to have a sense of gratitude for for those experiences.

I have always loved older people. I have relished every story of the past that they recounted to me when I was a child. I find myself telling stories to my grandchildren and it is as surprising an experience as it is familiar. Life is funny that way.

My longevity is dubious, as my father died suddenly in his early sixties, while my mother has just passed ninety. That makes me realize now, more than ever, the preciousness of every moment. I have always tried to be mindful of this blessing, but at times I am not as thankful as I feel I should be.

So, now what? I guess I will have to be more in the moment than ever before. Getting older is not a questionable thing. If you are breathing, it is happening.

There are passages which we go through and I am going through the final ones. I have a lot on my calendar these days. And most of the appointments I make are with myself. I am making decisions about what I still want to accomplish. There are people who I need to spend more time with and enjoy them as much as possible.

If I am blessed enough to live those thirty-four years ahead of me, I don’t want to feel any regrets about what I did today. We are the masters of our destinies and our legacies. See you next time. I’ve got a whole lot to do today!

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