I can’t imagine a life without laughter. I don’t want to. I don’t even want to think about it. That’s because even when I am depressed or just sad about something, sooner or later I will think of something that is amusing or paradoxical and I will burst out laughing! I am sure this must seem very strange to some people. I may have found it strange myself if it had not happened to me. And it has been happening for so long, I don’t have any idea when this started.
The most valuable aspect of this blessing is that I don’t try to feel this way. Somewhere, (in my brain, I suppose) there is a part of me that wants to choose joy. Now I am not saying that I understand this, (because I don’t.) But it is a blessing and a gift. To deny this would be a sin. I am so grateful and yet, still puzzled by this phenomenon.
Maybe you have experienced a time when a tragedy has occurred, and all of a sudden someone says something that makes everyone laugh. It is as if we were all subconsciously waiting for something to cut into the fog of sadness. Often it can be a child who does something so sweet or cute that everyone giggles at the same time.
The fog is broken and everyone can take a deep breath and exhale a sigh of relief.
There have been so many times in my life where laughter has saved me from despair. I am one of those people that wear their heart on their sleeve. I have found that this is also a blessing to me. Even if this has given me many difficult times, they do not outweigh the joy of being able to eventually heal from them and see them in a brighter light.
As much as I do not ever want to live without laughter, I also do not want to live without tears. Both of them are essential parts of our humanity and serve a purpose in our lives. They enable us to navigate the diverse experiences of the ever swift passage of time that we call life. But in the end, I must admit that life without laughter would be worse. Indeed it would be a crying shame.