Infinity is an indeterminate amount of time. In fact, it goes on forever. Could there be anything more unmeasurable? And yet, we use this term to describe and measure things. We often use this term figuratively, not literally. But in fact there are definitions in various disciplines that use this term to describe things.
In regard to numbers, infinity is an idea. It’s an idea of something without end. Math has so many uses for infinity that it boggles the mind. One of these is the fact that ⅓ is finite, but when written as a decimal it becomes o.333333…etc. So which one is it? It seems to be both when presented in these different forms. But is it? Can it be both?
In another example, it is supposed that there is an infinite number of odd and even numbers, but at the same time only a half of the known numbers is odd, and only a half is even ones. Some scientists are totally convinced that the universe is infinite, but at the same time some believe that it is actually not.
According to (,
“The infinity symbol (∞) represents a line that never ends. The common sign for infinity, ∞, was first used by John Wallis, an English mathematician who lived and worked in the 17th century. He also introduced 1/∞ for an infinitesimal which is so small that it can’t be measured.
The infinity sign is also sometimes called the Lemniscate. Both are believed to be coming from the number 8 sign. This number symbolizes eternity, balance and cosmic order. The number 8 has always been a very important symbol in many ancient cultures, especially in the Far East.”
It stands to reason that this symbol is used in jewelry, to be worn as a display of unending love from someone. I do believe that symbols can be powerful. As a symbol of eternal love, this symbol, ∞ seems to fit the bill.