For several months now, I have considered myself, “bone tired.” This is more than exhaustion. For some reason, sleep does not take this “drugged-like” state away. And so, I have had two sleep studies, the last of which rendered me feeling the worst I have felt in weeks. I still have to wait for the results to be sent to my doctor to see what happens next.
This experience has gotten me thinking about how I don’t really consider some of the ways that other people feel, until I experience it myself. I suppose this is human nature. So, I decided that it deserves my consideration to reflect on the things for which I should be grateful.
First of all, I need to feel grateful for the fact that this feeling of “bone-tiredness” has not always been true. In addition to that, I have insurance that is paying for the tests to help me find out what is going on. That alone is worthy of my gratitude.
I have, and always have had rather good health, which is, in itself, a blessing that many people do not enjoy. It affords me many opportunities that I do not deserve more than any other person. I am grateful, but I must think of this and express it more.
There is most likely something that can be done to remedy my situation. This is yet another thing to be happy about. I am retired, so I don’t have to worry about missing work. Wow, the reasons to be glad just keep on coming! That is often the case when one looks for the positive aspects of anything.
These few instances of “looking on the bright side of things” make me realize that being grateful should be the first thing I recognize as I wake each morning. This is a choice I can make each day. I will try my best to remember this, even if I wake up “bone tired” tomorrow.
I have to count my blessings every day. I feel tired all the time too but I get a lot of sleep. Maybe too much. I go soon for my second sleep study.
Boy, can I relate to that! I hope to find out what’s up soon. And I hope that you have a good outcome. So many challenges! But they are small compared to others. Good luck, dear friend.