“Before you speak, ask yourself if what you are going to say is true, is kind, is necessary, is helpful. If the answer is no, maybe what you are about to say should be left unsaid.”
Bernard Meltzer
I heard these words years ago, and they left an impression on me. I am positive, that if they had come to mind at certain points in my life, that I would have avoided saying some things I am not proud of having said. The point, of course, is to think before you speak, and especially in serious situations.
As our lives progress, we hopefully become wiser, kinder, more helpful and improve the way in which we deal with all the people we happen upon. This is what transpires when we evolve as human beings.
Now, with all the many modes of communicating in today’s world, we really need to be especially clear with our written words. Once on paper, or in a text, or on social media, words are permanently etched in time and cannot be taken back.
So now, we must “think before we write.” Of course this has always been true, but in this age of “sound bites,” words have extensive force attached to them. Besides which, the speed of written words travel faster than ever before because technology is involved and continues to evolve as well.
But, back to Mr. Meltzer’s quote, asking oneself the important questions regarding truth, kindness, necessity and helpfulness is perhaps the best way to monitor our words. And if, in additions to one’s words, we measure our actions by the same yardstick, we could alter the course of future events.
Maybe, if people became less reactionary, as we see so often in today’s society, words (both spoken and written) would be tempered and a positive revolution would be in the realm of possibility. I hope so. “Sticks and stones may break my bones,” but words can hurt so much more. May they be true, helpful, necessary and kind. These are words to live by. Indeed.