I have always admired people who have great patience for other people. I try to be patient, but sometimes, when I am feeling impatient, I will hold a negative reaction back. Then later, inappropriately, I will just burst with annoyance if I have not expressed my irritation in a positive way.
In general, I think that I have patience with many situations. But, it’s when I hold on to negative feelings, and am not able to come to terms with it inside my mind, that I have a problem. I never have problems being patient with children, until they get to be teenagers. But that only lasts for a short time. And I have great patience when I am with the elderly. I have a lot of affection for those who have lived most of their lives already, Maybe that’s because I had wonderful grandparents who loved me deeply, and who lived close by when I was growing up.
They say that patience is a virtue. I definitely agree. And if one practices, one can become more patient. It always helps to try and imagine what is happening in another person’s life, before losing one’s patience. That’s easier said than done. But I try. And as I become older it is somewhat easier to do.
Maybe it would be a good idea to gather people who want to be more patient and form a group. It would be a support group in a way. The group could get a list together of the situations they have trouble with, and brainstorm. Discussion could begin, and with constructive criticism, perhaps they could help a person deal with an issue, one at a time. The group, collectively, could begin to discuss possible ways of thinking about that specific situation. By asking questions and making suggestions, the group might be able to narrow down why it causes someone to lose their patience. Once that is discovered, perhaps a change in perspective on the part of that person could be discovered.
Of course, none of this would be easy. Even the organization of the group would be a challenge. It’s just an idea. And ideas can lead to a change of heart. Changing one’s mind comes first but changing one’s heart is the way to become more patient. Only good can come from having an open heart. And I believe an open heart is the best way to find patience.