From the Inside Out

I have come to believe that almost everything a person says or does is expressed from the inside out.  What I mean is, that whether a person is aware of it or not, one always has intention or motive that moves each action.  Most of what we say or do, does not happen by accident. We are sentient beings. How we feel inside will show on the outside.

Even when we hide our feelings, there are usually tell-tale signs of the true purpose of what we are choosing to do.  That’s why physically beautiful people can be tainted by ugly thoughts. These inner intentions may come out in subtle ways, but one can see it’s true value from the way that person can affect another one’s reaction to something done or said.

An example of this, is the way one expresses oneself verbally.  The words that are spoken can be sweet as sugar, but if the tone of the voice is condescending or sarcastic, the target of the interaction will be one of humiliation or mortification.  Bullying, whether verbal or physical, is a true indication of the result of what happens from the inside out.

Maya Angelou wrote, I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”  Even if the words and actions of people are remembered, the way they made you feel with always be with you in a more significant way.  People will remember bad feelings they suffered as children and can even carry those hurtful words or actions for the rest of their lives.

Therefore, if we want to live a good life and be a person who is kind and caring, it is important to realize that the intentions we hold inside are the true measure of who we really are.  Keeping good intentions then, is to keep in mind that whatever we say or do, the value of those actions will be felt from the inside out to the other human beings around us. Remember the golden rule and “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” 

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