Putting On My Eyebrows

For anyone younger than 50 or 60, this topic about eyebrows will probably not compute.  Today, a popular opinion about the hair above one’s eyes is that thicker, well-shaped arches are the goal.  In fact, girls are going to get their eyebrows done. In my day, we tended to do them ourselves. Thinner brows were popular when I was in high school, and that was the way I shaped them.  Plucking my eyebrows was just a regular part of my personal hygiene.

I continued to do this for many years.  And until quite recently, I needed to pluck the hairs close to and outside of the boundaries of my desired shape of the brow.  But now, I have places in each brow where they seem to disappear. For instance, they have become thinner in the desired brow area, even though they still grow under and over it.  But the worst part of my problem is that some of them have turned grey and white. That means I have to darken the spaces if I want them to be seen.

So far, I have used mascara to color the white and grey hairs.  But soon, I think more drastic measures may be necessary. I will probably need to use an eyebrow pencil soon.  And after that? I shudder to think of the alternatives.

Now, you may be thinking that I am making too much out of this situation.  But eyebrows are an integral part of many facial expressions. Without them, some of our emotions will be muted or maybe even misinterpreted.  Just draw some faces and leave off the eyebrows. Maybe you will understand what I mean.

I have always used my facial expressions to enhance the emotions I am portraying when I perform in plays.  And the same goes for singing. They are a major factor in many mediums, including the dramas of our personal lives.  If this mirrors your own feelings, you already understand what I am saying. If not, just imagine not being able to raise an eyebrow when you need to do so.  Not a pretty picture is it?

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