“Under the Influence” is a phrase used to describe a person who is inebriated. But what if we began to use this term in a positive way? For example, “My friend is under the influence of a gifted teacher.” Or, maybe one could say, “I am under the influence of kindness that has been given to me.”
These optimistic influences could be the impetus for doing something good in the life of another. Or, they could spur a person to be their best self. There are so many, better ways to think of these words than as a synonym for being drunk.
So, what might you think of as being a good influence to be under? That may sound funny, when put that way. But still, as I think of what I would come up with when asked that question, I am drawn to situations that would help me broaden my horizons, as in learning something profound.
Actually, gratefully, I think that I am still under the influence of my parents, who taught me right from wrong. And as I begin to muse about such things, I keep coming across other matters that I am “under the influence of.” The word “under” is perhaps the problem with this phrase I am expounding upon. “Under” can tend to have a negative tone. But that need not be so. Why should it only be construed in that way?
I, for one, would like to challenge the context of the word. After all, this is just an exercise in one of my random ramblings. Even though there is no definitive reason to delve into this topic any further, I would love to do so. Therefore, if you should decide you want to continue this conversation with me, just leave me a comment and I will reply. Hope to hear from someone soon!