Everyone has a story to tell. Each of us has a path to follow. Whether or not it is shared with anyone is each person’s choice. Perhaps, one may not even be aware that these things belong to them. The challenge is to write that story and choose that path, because it belongs to you and you alone. It can’t be taken away, unless you allow it.
You’ve probably heard from someone in your life that you should do this or that, say this or that, even go in one direction or another. But each of us must decide whether we want to do what others say. If it agrees with you, take it graciously and consider it as a support for yourself. If not, say, ”No, thank you.” and move on.
One life, that’s all we get. If we want others to tell us what to do, then that is a decision too. All I’m saying is, let it be your decision. Especially be wary of those who are always giving unsolicited advice. Unless you ask, you need not respond to their suggestions. It is nobody else’s business.
Once you have decided what your story is, tell it to people who love and support you. They will encourage and validate you, and appreciate that your shared it with them. They will respect your story and the path you have chosen. If they don’t, then you will know something about them. These are lessons on your path. People are not always going to be who you think they are. These are opportunities for growth and learning how to trust your gut. It feels wrong, it usually is.
I guess what I am saying, is be true to yourself. Find out who your true friends are and support them as they do you. And if you don’t find my words helpful, say, “No thank you.” I am just following my path, doing what I do, and if it doesn’t suit you, comment and tell me. I will take no offense and be grateful for your words. I have lessons to learn and you will have helped me straighten my path. You will have helped me tell my story better. For any of your comments, good or negative, I thank you in advance.