True Strength

In writing about true strength, let me begin with the definitions of the word “strength.” According to Merriam-Webster, the first definition means:  1.  the quality or state of being strong : capacity for exertion or endurance.  There are nine definitions in all.  Four of these include the word “force” in their definition.  They are: legal, logical or moral force, as well as force as measured in numbers.  So what do I consider “true strength?”

Well, here goes.  I think of true strength as being a powerful character trait.  A person with true strength possesses moral courage and conviction.  Such a person is a champion of the disadvantaged and of causes that help people.  Brute strength is not a part of this equation. Gentleness is a much more difficult type of strength to master.  That is where true strength begins.

Of course, nurturing what I think of as true strength, requires an empathetic, compassionate person.  Such a person would have a healthy self-image and in turn, would be able to build good self-esteem in others.

True strength is most poignant  when such a person steps into the background, so that others can come to the forefront and shine.  Selflessness would be embodied in this person.  This is the kind of strength that is needed to make peace in our world.  There is more than enough examples of the other kinds of strength.  

One of the most admirable traits that one can aspire to be is someone with this kind of strength.   It is sorely needed in today’s society, where wars and weapons are seen as the answer to problems.

We will never find peace if all we do is attack.  True strength could change things.  But first it must be pursued.  Only then will we become the kind of world where we can begin to see each person as a child of God, worthy of care.

Hatred begets hatred.  True strength knows that we can agree to disagree. This attitude is the first step to the changing of one’s mind.  And changing one’s mind in this way is the first step in building peace.  


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