Fun is necessary to a well-balanced life. I learned this from my father. He planned his fun. He was the only adult I’ve ever known that did this. It was on his list.
My dad was a business owner and had dozens of things to juggle. Therefore, every night he would make a list of all the things that needed to be done. It included things that were previously listed, but not finished, things that were happening the next day, plus future things that could possibly be done, if time permitted. It was a long list, often written on graph paper, with the little boxes waiting to be checked as the tasks were completed.
The greatest thing about this list was that it always included something fun. It may be going out to lunch, which he often did, or something else that was enjoyable. But it always went on the list. It was planned.
Planning fun, having something to look forward to, should be an everyday consideration. It should be on a list, even if it’s only a mental one. Fun should not be left to chance.
Dad always planned fun with my mom, family time, even time for himself. I have always tried to emulate him and it has served me well. You can make fun out of practically anything. All it really takes is time and creativity. You don’t have to spend a lot of money. All you need to do is plan it.
In this life, we need to have things to look forward to. We need to plan our fun. It needs to be in the mix, especially when times are tough. Plans can change, be postponed, or even cancelled once in awhile. But planning is fun too.
The most important thing we can do as human beings is to have loving relationships. And within these relationships, everything we do becomes more pleasurable. And isn’t pleasure akin to fun? Fun, enjoyment, pleasure, these are important things to consider.
If we plan, set aside time, and make it an important aspect of our lives, we are happier. Our happy moments become memories. And memories are fun too.