One should never underestimate the power of prayer. Even if a person has never done this in their life with their families or other sources, it must be experienced to understand. A person must first be open to the possibility of this experience having an effect on one’s psyche. If any person has not had the experience of praying as a child, it may be more difficult to feel the effect because our adult minds can block anything, if we are not open to it.
There are many sources of prayer and kinds of prayer, but in my opinion, all that is required is an open mind and an open heart. And even if one is not fully committed to the process, it doesn’t matter. All any person can do is try. If it isn’t working, try again. Being born into a family that prays is the easiest way to learn, because it is part of the environment in the home.
I have written prayers for myself to say everyday. I pray for the people in my life, for those I love so dearly and like so much and for those I don’t like and have trouble loving. I mention by name those I have promised to pray for (on a list) and pray for those who have no one to pray for them. When one thinks about it, so many people and causes and world issues need prayers. I pray for those people and situations that I don’t remember or have never thought about praying for in the past. Everyone needs prayer, whether or not they believe in it. It is always, at the very least, a positive intention which is good for anyone. If you project love out into the world, it can not do harm, but it may do good. It’s worth the effort just because it is possible.
And so, I pray that my words are in some way beneficial, even if you don’t believe in prayer. Perhaps, it will just be something to think about, and maybe experience later on. For this I pray. Amen.