It seems that the shelf-life of embarrassing moments can extend to one’s natural death or one’s complete loss of memory. Depending upon one’s longevity and the condition of a person’s memory, even something quite small can pop into one’s mind and cause distress. This is due to the fact that embarrassment can carry a range and variety of actions in response to so many things.
There are physical reactions and emotional reactions that can attach themselves to different kinds of embarrassment. One can be attacked verbally in a social situation and the reaction can be devastating. With a combination of shock manifesting itself internally accompanied by blushing or other external signs of discomfort, the incident can become a memory that thwarts a person’s ability to interact with certain groups of people. Sensitive people are particularly prone to this type of embarrassment.
On the other hand, there are situations in which embarrassment can be viewed differently. According to an article by Insight Therapy, embarrassment can be a good thing. A study in The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that feelings of embarrassment are often signs that a person is genuine and trustworthy. So a person can choose to see their embarrassment in a different way. I am sure that this is easier said than done.
In my own experiences of embarrassing moments, the ones that affected me most negatively were in my childhood. It was obvious to most people that I was an easy mark for someone to be mean. And the payoff was always swift and glaringly obvious to the perpetrators.
I learned to stay away from that kind of person. Now I realize how sad it was that anyone could find enjoyment from a child’s embarrassment.
Luckily for me, my memory is fading as I grow older. And I am no longer susceptible to embarrassment in the same way. I still can be embarrassed, but it has no hold on me. That is not to say that I don’t feel the embarrassment, but that I see it for what it is. Now I laugh at my foibles, and it feels good.