The older I get, the more I realize just how much the little things matter in our lives. A smile, a look of concern, a kind gesture, or an offer to help someone can lift that other person’s perspective in an instant. These “little things” can make a difference in another person’s life. It doesn’t always have that effect, but it has the power to do that in many different circumstances. In my opinion, as long as a person is honest and open to rejection, it is worth the risk.
Unfortunately, people are often surprised when you offer to help. That is because we have come to expect rudeness, since it seems to happen so often. When young people are rude, it is often due to the mistakes of adults who didn’t model the appropriate behavior. What an unfortunate lens with which to view the world!
I feel bad for those who have not had good role models in their lives. It cannot be a pleasant way to live. Those of us who have been fortunate to have had a good experience can be a part of making this world a better place to live and co-exist.
I have found that just opening doors for people is a way to make someone smile. And if another person opens a door for you, always be thankful. It matters. It never ceases to amaze me how it makes one feel good just to be a part of this simple exchange.
And I try to never underestimate the power of a smile. I know what it does for me when someone smiles at me. And I have seen the effect on others when I smile at them.
There are so many small gestures and ways in which to make our lives even just a little bit more pleasant. They introduce themselves into countless situations if we are willing to open our eyes and look for them. Each of us can play a part in spreading positive vibrations within our daily lives. Let us always remember that little things matter.