Sometimes it seems like I am always grieving, something in the past, even something in the present. And losing someone you love is the worst of all. I never thought of it this way until now, as I am older, hopefully wiser, but definitely more experienced in this process.
Grieving is a natural part of life. We can either try to embrace it and work to get through it or deny it and suffer endlessly. But grief cannot be avoided. It will just manifest itself in ways that may not be identified. Grief will have its day. You can choose the way it happens whether it is acceptance or denial. Acceptance is the path that will get you through it. It is the way that will lead you to understanding and peace.
Going through grief is different each time. But if one learns through each experience, it can enable a person to learn ways that make it less painful. Understanding oneself better can always be beneficial, even though it may not seem so at the time.
Having gone through the loss of my father, my son and my mother, I have learned a lot about myself. That is one of the good things that can happen if one is open to the process. It has increased my ability to empathize with others, to be more understanding and to actively listen more. Grief has much to teach us about what is truly important in life, if we let it.
No one lives forever, but one can love forever. And the love of those who have loved us stays with us forever. This is the gift we can hold on to as we lose the presence of the people we have loved so dearly. Grieving well can help us do that. It is the path to peace in our minds and hearts.