
Recently, I decided to just walk around the house with my phone while praying.  I used to do something similar before, but didn’t have a way of measuring how far I was travelling.  This was at a time when I didn’t have any device for measuring distance.  But I would speed walk in my kitchen for twenty minutes or so and get a pretty good work out.

Today, there are many ways to track mileage, but I just use my phone, because it’s smart and can do such things.  Sometimes I am jealous because my memory has really let me down.  But my phone does not disappoint!

Walking is therapeutic and it benefits you regardless of how you might feel about it.  Just do it and you’ll see.  After doing this, a person can’t help but feel better.

I found out, when walking on a treadmill at the gym, that I was going farther than I thought.  And the amount of time spent was more too.  That encouraged me.  But then I stopped, and Covid hit and I am back to walking in the kitchen. The temperature there is always the same and totally controllable, unlike the weather outside.

I have been delinquent in my walking in the kitchen, and have just started up again.  But the best thing is that it takes so much less time out of my day.  There is no driving back back and forth from home to the gym.  And even after just a few days, it gets easier and begins to form a habit.  That’s the key, forming a habit.

Today, I found an article put out by Harvard Health Publishing, entitled “Exercise can boost your memory and thinking skills.”  I mean, as I was writing this I found it!  It’s online and it was just published on 2/15/21.  Boy does that encourage me!  It’s really a great article!  I recommend it!  150 minutes a week is a suggested goal, and I can almost do that already.  If you haven’t exercised recently, the article stated that it is best to start gradually and add 5 to 10 minutes each week.  I think that makes it easier to get used to it.

So if you are interested, and want to walk a mile, or more, just do it today.  I definitely think that you’ll be glad that you did.  I sure am!

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