
There are many aspects of the word “wisdom.”  According to Merriam Webster: one of the definitions of this noun has many examples of this prodigious term.

1a: ability to discern inner qualities and relationships : INSIGHT

b: good sense : JUDGMENT

c: generally accepted belief

d: accumulated philosophical or scientific learning : KNOWLEDGE

2: a wise attitude, belief, or course of action

3: the teachings of the ancient wise men

So in choosing to write about wisdom, I have a wide range of things to think about.  Yet, they all go hand in hand, don’t they?  Insight, judgement and knowledge all have to do with truth, do they not?  And truth is something to strive for in a just society, isn’t it?  Anyway, I think so.

In ancient times, the ones people counted on for wisdom, were their elders.  They were the leaders of tribes and other groups, who were wise because of their life experiences and the accumulated knowledge that came from those experiences and the experiences of their elders who had passed down this information.

In today’s world wisdom and truth are becoming less influential due to false information being accepted as facts without proof.  When I first heard the term ”alternative facts,” I could scarcely believe my ears.  What a distortion of the word fact!  A fact is the truth.  There is no such thing as an alternative truth.  What a ridiculous concept.  Words have power and this distortion was quite the opposite of wisdom.  That is why I think wisdom of the ages must be respected and shared.  It is the responsibility of today’s elders to step up and rise to the challenge of speaking the truth out loud.  Wisdom is sorely needed and needed now.  Our very lives depend upon the knowledge, judgement and insight of those who came before us. Step up elders!  We need you!

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