It May Be a Good Idea to Test Our Ability to Care

I think it might be a good idea to create a test to measure our ability to care.  That way, we could delve into the reasons why we behave the way we do and perhaps discover our motivations and values.  It seems to me that this would be an extremely difficult task given that we tend to want to see ourselves in a good light and might not want to admit our flaws.  It is surely possible that it would reveal thought patterns and actions that we would be loath to find out about ourselves.

However, I think it would be good to know these things in order to decide whether we want to continue certain behaviors in our lives, or try to change the things that bother us.  If something troubles a person about their own behavior, then a decision must be made about what one should do about it.  That can be quite tricky because I think most of us want to be seen by others as a good person and may have trouble admitting some of our weaknesses.  Also, changing one’s behavior is very hard to do.

I am intrigued by the idea of creating such a test.  It would take a group of people, both professional and ordinary citizens, to contribute and discuss the questions and possible choices before they could begin to create a testing format.  And then, of course, they would need to develop the medium in which it would be given.  All that said, I think it would be a valuable tool for anyone willing to change any habits that one might see as a problem in their life. 

Everyday, we see more and more tragedy and injustice in our world.  One can become numb to the constant barrage of bad news.  But, if we want to be caring people, we must face these challenges in our own lives and the lives of others to regularly do even one small thing to make a positive change.  We mustn’t forget that even little acts of care and kindness make a difference in our world.  If the desire to care more in one’s life is important, a structured test is not really necessary.  All it takes is for the questions to be asked and answered honestly.  Do we care enough to do it?

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One thought on “It May Be a Good Idea to Test Our Ability to Care

  1. Shannon Newman

    I can relate to the numbness of seeing so much bad in the world. However, I do not allow myself to become complacent. When I see something at school, in the news, or within my family, I feel it with my entire soul. I am learning healthy separation. I have had to let things go that threaten my mental health. I was always a ‘fixer’ in my family and among my coworkers. I have learned it is healthy to insist on people doing things for themselves and giving myself a break.


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