Verbose, Loquacious ~ (and many other words to describe using a lot of words)

I love to talk and write and use a lot of words on a daily basis.  That is why I love the fact that when I looked up “verbose synonyms,” I found 29 of them in  Isn’t that funny? I think so, and that is why I decided to write about them. 

Now, not all of these aforementioned synonyms are used to describe what I am talking about.   Nevertheless, I just like using lots of words to communicate, describe, write about, etc. So you see where this is going.  I adore words. That’s it, in a nutshell.

So, where does this lead me?  Well, I guess it’s just one of the ways I express myself. There are many other ways, such as facial expressions, body language, attitude and others.  But, I believe words are very powerful. Otherwise, propaganda would not have the ability to affect people’s thoughts and opinions.  And sometimes, many, different kinds of words are needed to fully drive a message home when needed in serious situations. 

A dear friend of mine once wrote these words to me in a letter:  “Sometimes words are all we have.” I think she meant that there are so many things to be expressed that require specific thoughts to be communicated.  This requires a vocabulary that is painstakingly extensive. But, with lots of thought and careful consideration, the best words can usually be found.

Blogging is indeed a great way to use this skill.  And learning this skill is a life-long quest. Finding just the right words to use in the many and varied kinds of situations in life is truly communication used to the full.

I hope that you aren’t finding this to be overly verbose.  Once I begin to write, the words just take over. So here we are at the end of a very verbose blog.  I hope my loquaciousness didn’t bother you too much. So I will conclude with brevity. Bye!

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